Spay and Neuter
Spay and Neuter assistance is available to low income/no income households. Please call the Hotline, 1-833-783-5463 for more details. Specify Dog or Cat assistance when calling we will return your calls within 24 hours.
Food Pantry Locations
Pittsburg Town Hall during normal business hours
Colebrook or Stratford area call the mobile pantry line 603- 991-5499 or the Hotline at 1-833-783-5463
Groveton Xavier church
Berlin, Milan or Errol areas Please Call the Hotline, 1-833-783-5463
Colebrook also sets up at the NH FOOD COMMODITIES DISTRIBUTION every other month, last Thursday of the month at the Colebrook Congregational church across from the dollar store in Colebrook. You don’t have to be a Food Commodity recipient to receive pet food. Next set up will be September 26, 2019.
We will be working on setting up in the Berlin area when they have their NH FOOD COMMODITIES DISTIBUTION, until then please call the Hotline 1-833-783-5463.
Emergency Vet Assistance
If you experience an emergency with your pet we may be able to offer you a small amount of assistance to get your pet in the door to be seen, please call the hotline to see if you qualify.
We offer educational and fun workshops for kids of all ages to interact with animals, to help learn compassion and kindness for all living things. We can go to group meetings and give discussions, and explain our mission and what services we offer to their community.
Ready to help?